Vortex Technology makes uses of external forces (electric or acoustic) to induce vortices in microfluidic channels. It was developed and patented by the µFlow Cell team of prof. Wim De Malsche as part of his ERC Starting Grant project EVODIS. This third POC grant (150.000 EUR), a unique achievement by a VUB researcher, will seek proof of concept to enhance detection limits and reduce time-to-result in sensor devices that can be used at point-of-need. We are looking for applications in environmental control, wastewater management and aquaculture, as well as medical diagnostics. EVODIS was previously awarded a POC grant to characterize 3D flows (3D PIV) and one to enhance separation performance in chromatographic columns (EVO-LC), respectively.
The ERC, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. It funds creative researchers of any nationality and age, to run projects based across Europe: see https://erc.europa.eu.